Who’s in your 2023 flexible talent network?

As more and more traditional employees make the switch to flexible work, the opportunities to bring on top-notch flexible talent continue to grow.

Are you ready to embrace the future of work and build a strong, flexible talent network for your tech company?

We’re currently fine-tuning ours, ensuring we have a strong network of talented freelancers ready to step out onto the field and kick some ***

As more and more traditional employees make the switch to flexible work, the opportunities to bring on top-notch flexible talent continue to grow. 2022 saw companies become increasingly comfortable with the idea of a flexible workforce, so why not join in and see how a solid flexible talent network can give you a competitive edge in 2023? 


What is a flexible talent network?

A flexible talent network is a pool of skilled and talented freelancers or independent contractors that a company can tap into as needed to fill skill gaps or meet specific project demands. Companies can use a flexible talent network to quickly scale their workforce up or down as needed, with top-notch, vetted freelancers.

By building your network of flexible talent you can quickly and confidently hire for projects when you need to without time consuming processes and high agency commissions.  This can be particularly useful in a rapidly changing business environment, where companies may need to respond quickly to new opportunities or challenges in 2023.



Who shall I invite into my network?

It’s essential to start by identifying the specific skills gaps within your company. Think about where you may need additional resources, what expert advice could support your teams, and what projects and goals you have planned for the upcoming months. This will aid in determining the exact type of talent that you need to source in order to fill your network with the most suitable and high-quality flexible talent.



How do I find talented freelancers and contractors?

If you’re planning on building a stronger flexible talent network for 2023, chances are you’ve already worked with some great freelancers. So, take the first step by collecting all your current freelance contacts, even those lost in the depths of your inbox  You might be surprised at the gems you find. Next, ask around your company to see if other departments have any freelancer contacts they recommend.  Finally,  don’t forget referrals,  ask trusted freelancers for recommendations for the specific skill sets you’re looking for. Before you know it, your 2023 talent network will start to take shape.



What about onboarding?

Onboarding is crucial as it is usually the first point of contact between the freelancer and the company. To make the process smooth for both parties, I recommend creating a standard onboarding process. Utilizing online automated onboarding procedures can save a lot of time and make it more convenient to sign compliant contracts, classify freelancers appropriately, fill out necessary tax forms, and sign NDAs and agreements within one system.



How do I retain my freelancers?

Working with flexible talent doesn’t have to be a one-time transaction. Having a group of trustworthy freelancers that work with your organization repeatedly over time can be incredibly beneficial. Building strong relationships between your freelancers and your team can yield great results as well. Establishing solid relationships not only helps you retain great freelancers but also helps attract new freelancers with a positive work culture for both traditional and flexible workers.

It’s essential to establish clear lines of communication for constructive feedback between teams to ensure smooth project execution and continuous improvement. Feedback should be a two-way street; make sure to also gather feedback from your flexible talent on their experience working with your team and company. With constructive feedback, your flexible team can only continue to grow and improve



Are you ready to get started?

Having a flexible team means your teams can adapt and expand to tackle a range of challenges in the coming year. You’ll have the best of the best, vetted and prepared to take on 2023 with you. Companies with a well-prepared flexible talent network will be the ones that come out on top in 2023.

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