Build in Public

Workfree: April 2023 Update #buildinpublic

We’re thrilled to present to you the fourth instalment of our #buildinpublic newsletter. Our aim is to keep you updated on the latest happenings at Workfree

Hi There,

We’re thrilled to present to you the fourth instalment of our #buildinpublic newsletter. Our aim is to keep you updated on the latest happenings at Workfree, and we’re committed to delivering on that promise.

In April we kicked off our F&F funding round and hit 80% of our target total in just 30 days.  We also celebrated 100 days of Workfree and to look forward to the next 100 days with enthusiasm. 



Upgraded our freelancer profiles 

✅ Added project spotlights 

Implemented multi-user levels 

Hit 80% of our F&F funding round 


Grew our freelance sign-ups by 50% MoM from all over the world      

Welcomed our community advisory team to represent the voice of our users 


We worked together and remotely from home & away     

We celebrated 100 fantastic days since starting up Workfree officially 


It’s game on, with BIG plans for May

 Work: Platform improvements including; multi-talent lists, global payments, freelance collectives. We aim to complete our F&F funding round 

 Free: Launching our community-owned growth campaign; targeting freelancers around the world. They will own, use and build the platform with us 

 Life: Working around Europe, enjoying the glimpses of sunshine and supporting Jonnie as he undertakes the Jesolo half ironman   

Can’t wait to update you again in June 

Jonnie, Yury & Amy

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